تماس باما

تهران -میدان نامجو- خیابان سلمان فارسی -کوچه حسینی نژاد -پلاک 20

0912-2337506   021-77600975

درباره ما

شرکت مهندسی فرا آوا فعالیت خود را در زمینه سیستمهای صوتی و تصویری و کمک آموزشی از سال 1388 شروع کرده ، از جمله اهداف مهم شرکت همکاری با اکثر سازمانها  و...


شرکت مهندسی فرا آوا نه تنها به ورود تکنولوژیهای جديد فكر مي‌نمايد بلكه بعد از تجهيز یه دنبال ارائه خدمات و پشتيباني بهتر است این شرکت با تعداد زيادي از مراكز...

One of hottest features in JSN Decor is extended styles adapted for 5 most popular Joomla! extension: K2, Community Builder, Virtue Mart, JEvents and JoomGallery.

Technically extended styles are overrides of default extensions style (images + CSS) and located in folder /ext inside template folder. Some extensions have their own template system and you might want to turn off extended style thru template parameter in order to use those native templates.

The extensions discussed here are not included in the template package and you have to download separately. You can download the extensions on Joomla! Extensions Directory http://extensions.joomla.org/


Extended style for K2 includes adapted tabs color, additional module styles, fixed alignment issues and some other minor visual enhancement.

Component styling

Here is how K2 component will look like after extended styles applied.

K2 Style Applied

Module styling

Besides from extended component styling you can use template module styles for K2 modules as well.

K2 Style Module Content

  • K2 Content Module (mod_k2_content) with module style box-green jsn-icon-article applied

K2 Style Module Comment

  • K2 Comments Module (mod_k2_comments) with module style box-blue jsn-icon-comment applied
  • K2 Login Module (mod_k2_login) with module style box-yellow jsn-icon-user applied

Community Builder

Extended style for Community Builder includes adapted dropdown menu style, tabs color, additional module styles and some other minor visual enhancement.

Component styling

Here is how Community Builder component will look like after extended styles applied.

CB Profile Style
Adapted drop-menu style and tabs color on CB Profile page

Module styling

Besides from extended component styling you can use template module styles for Community Builder modules as well.

CB Module Style

In the example above:

  • CB Login Module (mod_cblogin) with module style box-yellow jsn-icon-user applied
  • CB Online Module (mod_comprofilerOnline) with module style box-blue jsn-icon-online applied
  • CB Workflows (mod_comprofilermoderator) with module style box-grey jsn-icon-selection applied

Virtue Mart

Extended style for Virtue Mart includes adapted Add to Cart button, additional module styles, fixed alignment issues, redesigned checkout-steps icons and some other minor visual enhancement.

Component Styling

VM Product Style
Fixed alignment issues on Product Details page

Module styling

Besides from extended component styling you can use template module styles for Virtue Mart modules as well.

VM Module Style

  • VirtueMart Module (mod_virtuemart) with module style box-blue jsn-icon-cart applied.


Extended style for JEvents includes redesigned calendar navigation icons and calendar table, adapted table header color, additional module styles, fixed alignment issues and some other minor visual enhancement.

Component Styling

JEvents Navigation Style
Totally redesigned calendar navigation icons

JEvents Monthly Style
Adapted calendar table header color

JEvents Weekly Style
Adapted table header color on Event List page

Module styling

Besides from extended component styling you can use template module styles for JEvents modules as well.

JEvents Module Style

In the example above:

  • Events Calendar Module (mod_jevents_cal) with module style box-blue jsn-icon-calendar applied.
  • Latest Events Module (mod_jevents_latest) with module style box-green jsn-icon-star applied.
  • JEvents Legend Module (mod_jevents_legend) with module style box-grey jsn-icon-info applied.


Extended style for JoomGallery includes redesigned navigation icons, fixed alignment issues, additional module styles and some other minor visual enhancement.

Component Styling

JG Layout Style
Totally redesigned navigation bar and information panel

JG Navigation Style
Fixed alignment issues

Module styling

Besides from extended component styling you can use template module styles for JoomGallery modules as well.

JG Module Style

  • JoomSearch Module (mod_joomsearch) with module style box-blue jsn-icon-search applied.
  • JoomGallery Treeview Module (mod_jgtreeview) with module style box-yellow jsn-icon-image applied.

JG Module 2 Style

  • JoomGallery Latest Categories Module (mod_jglatestcart) with module style box-grey jsn-icon-star applied.
  • JoomGallery Stats Module (mod_joomgallerystats) with module style box-green jsn-icon-statistics applied.

محصولات دیگر

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درباره ما

شرکت مهندسی فرا آوا فعالیت خود را در زمینه سیستمهای صوتی و تصویری و کمک آموزشی از سال 1388 شروع کرده از جمله اهداف مهم شركت همکاری با تمامي سازمانها و دانشگاه های كشور عزيزمان ايران بوده و در این راستا تعداد زیادی از این مراکز با تجهیزات پیشرفته این شرکت تجهیز گردیده اند,گستره کار این شرکت به وسعت میهن عزیزمان ایران بوده و لذا اکثر مراکز آموزشی و دانشگاهی در تمامی استانها وشهرها از سیستمهای این شرکت استفاده نموده و این شرکت خدمات خود را به همگی مراکز ارائه می دهد.